Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

Gibbon Building 5th Floor New Hybrid OR

111 South 11th Street

Philadelphia, PA 19107

Interior Renovation

In pursuit of enhancing medical capabilities and patient care, Erickson was the general contractor for the new 5th floor hybrid operating room. The 5,000 square foot project brought together cutting-edge technology and infrastructure within a redesigned space. The key elements of this endeavor encompass both demolition of existing office and support space areas, shower, locker and breakroom spaces and the construction of an advanced hybrid operating room, control room, equipment rooms and patient holding areas, as well as upgraded shower, locker room and breakroom.

All construction occurred within occupied, existing space with actively working  operating rooms on all sides. Work included modernized HVAC systems, with the incorporation of a Precision Aire HEPA filtration ceiling system featuring an integrated controllable lighting system, crucial for surgical procedures. The establishment of a new MED GAS system ensures the availability of vital gases for medical operations, while a new electrical power distribution system, along with meticulous power wiring to surgical equipment and control panels enable seamless operations and control, all contributing to the enhancement of medical procedures and patient outcomes.