With a strict compliance to federal, state, and local safety regulations as its backbone, C. Erickson & Sons has developed a comprehensive approach to safety, and a commitment to the responsibility and knowledgeability of every employee.
On the front line, we ensure our workers are provided with jobsites free from hazards, as well as regular and thorough training and inspections to ensure ongoing safety compliance. On-site “Tool Box Talks” provide collaborative discussions between supervisors, employees and subcontractors, as well as written material and safety videos. In addition, mandatory quarterly supervisory meetings ensure communication and compliance above and beyond the jobsite.
Regular and frequent safety inspections of equipment, materials, personnel and practice are carried out by competent and qualified individuals, by both staffed and independent inspectors. Through these ongoing efforts, and under the guidance of Erickson’s own on-staff Safety Manager, we are committed to a multi-tiered approach to safety, not only in the interest of everyone in the field and office, but in our clients’ best interest as well.
C. Erickson & Sons is pleased to provide a full copy of the Erickson Safety Program manual upon request. For more information on our safety practices, or to request a copy, please contact us, and we’ll be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have.